Holistic Wellness: Exploring Ways to Wellness
Holistic Wellness: Exploring Ways to Wellness delivers alternative healing and natural wellness solutions through authentic conversations and real experiences. Perfect for curious souls seeking complementary therapies and mindful living beyond mainstream wellness advice.
Host Sarah Gorev brings you refreshingly honest chats with practitioners and real people about holistic health approaches that actually work (even for the busiest of lives). From mindfulness to EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), cold water swimming to sound therapy, she's lifting the veil on evidence-based alternative approaches that can be easily incorporated and even enhance your packed schedule.
Each episode demystifies holistic practices through genuine, no-pressure conversations about what works (and maybe what doesn't). Ideal for people who are intrigued by alternative wellness and natural healing but want real experiences, not just theory. Instead of 'powering through' and reaching exhaustion and burn-out, Sarah explores how these accessible practices can help you reclaim your energy, process past experiences, and find balance - without requiring endless time or resources.
If you're open-minded about exploring holistic wellness solutions but fancy hearing real experiences before diving in, this is your weekly companion for discovering different paths to feeling good again. Join Sarah for down-to-earth conversations about alternative wellness approaches that can transform your daily life - no crystals required (unless you want them!).
Holistic Wellness: Exploring Ways to Wellness
Exploring EFT with Emma
Unlocking Emotional Freedom with EFT
In this enlightening episode, I chat with Emma Starling, an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner and master trainer. We delve into how EFT, which combines ancient acupressure principles with modern psychology, can significantly reduce stress and help process complex emotions.
Emma shares her personal journey from anxiety and depression to becoming a respected EFT practitioner. We discuss the science behind EFT, overcoming skepticism, and the practical ways to integrate EFT into daily life for emotional healing. Emma also highlights other wellness techniques that complement EFT and shares her experiences with weight loss and self-acceptance facilitated by tapping.
Emma’s story demonstrates how simple tapping techniques, combined with mindful approaches, can help you process emotions, reduce stress, and unlock your potential for personal development.
Whether you're struggling with anxiety, looking to improve your relationship with yourself, or simply curious about alternative wellness techniques, this episode offers practical insights, personal stories, and hope for anyone seeking a different approach to emotional and physical well-being.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Daily Tap videos on Emma's Facebook page Evolved Energetics: https://www.facebook.com/evolvedenergetics
7 Steps to Calm: https://www.evolvedenergetics.co.uk/f/7-steps-to-calm-1
00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and EFT
01:55 Emma Starling's Journey to EFT
05:05 Understanding and Overcoming Skepticism
09:18 Personal Experiences and Success Stories
12:00 Challenges and Innovations in EFT
15:37 Practical Tips for Using EFT
17:59 Complementary Practices and Future Directions
26:46 Weight Loss and Self-Acceptance
30:05 Conclusion and Resources
Thanks for listening.
Episode 5 EFT
Welcome to the Exploring Ways to Wellness podcast, where we investigate different approaches to wellbeing. Have you ever felt stuck in patterns of anxiety, self doubt or limiting beliefs? Well, today's episode introduces a fascinating technique that might just be the key to unlocking emotional freedom.
I'm sitting down with Emma Starling, an EFT practitioner and master trainer who's transformed her own life through Emotional Freedom Technique, a powerful healing approach that combines ancient acupressure principles with modern psychological understanding. Imagine being able to reduce stress and process difficult emotions by simply tapping on specific parts of your body whilst speaking [00:01:00] targeted, compassionate statements.
That's the essence of EFT, a technique that bridges the gap between your body's natural healing responses and your mind's ability to process complex emotions.
Emma's remarkable journey from struggling with long term anxiety to becoming a well-respected EFT trainer offers a compelling glimpse into how this technique can create profound personal transformation. So whether you're a skeptic or someone seeking new ways to manage emotional challenges,
this conversation promises to open up a whole new world of personal healing. So get comfortable and let's dive into the transformative world of EFT.
Sarah: I am thrilled to have Emma Starling with me today. Um, [00:02:00] we actually met when I was dipping my toe into energy work for the first time. And, I am very proud to say she then went on to become my trainer and mentor in EFT. from that perspective, Emma is
an expert and we'll be sharing some links to things at the end. But for this podcast, she's going to be sharing some of her personal experiences along her journey with unconventional techniques as her way of accessing wellness. So thank you, Emma, for being with us. would be lovely if you could just start by giving a little bit of background, how you got started.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah, thanks Sarah for having me. It's so lovely to be here. I love what you're doing with this. My journey with all this, if I take it right the way back, started with, uh, finding a chiropractor when I had a pulled shoulder, aged 16, I think, 17, and then reflexology [00:03:00] shortly after, thanks to my sister, and I completely was smitten.
I'd had anxiety and depression looking back from about 12 or 13, been quite a hormonal teenager, nothing seemed to work, family didn't particularly understand, you know, because it just, it wasn't the thing. And so I fell in love with how I felt when I did these different techniques that I'd not heard of before.
My first reflexology session, I fell asleep and drifted off somewhere blissful and I was like, Oh, I'm doing that again. Oh Yeah,
that's it. And then 30 odd years later, you know, I'd just been completely obsessed ever since then. And I, I got into EFT probably about, I don't know, 14, 15 years ago, maybe.
And it was because of said stuff, you know, that I'd kind of dragged through my life with me. If you like all the anxiety and the depression and in sort of 2004, 2005, that all converged. And I had some time off [00:04:00] work, on sick and I had counseling and I had antidepressants. None of it worked for me personally, some of the counselling did, but the antidepressants made me feel worse and I thought I really need to find something and then a few years later, I came across a lady called Kim Ibrick Jansen who was tapping on cravings for chocolate and I went, Oh, I think I need to try that.
So I tried that. It stopped my cravings and then I found The Tapping Solution about weight loss and then one about money. Tried that and went, Oh, this is too good to be true. Found a trainer, trained like a month later and then just in the first session about an hour and a half in, I kind of went, Oh yeah, this is what I'm here to do.
Sarah: Yeah.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: was just, it was like that.
Sarah: Amazing.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah.
Sarah: I could, I can actually really relate to that than if, if listeners have heard the first episode, I've mentioned the same thing kind of came across me with EFT. I was like, this, this seems a bit too good to be true, but it feels wrong not to [00:05:00] share it because everyone should be having this experience or have access to this kind of experience. You mentioned that your family weren't kind of into that way of looking at things or way of approaching things. How did you find you approached kind of that more skeptical view of the world?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Um, I tried for a number of years with people who were skeptical to try and explain it and try and convince. And then for people who feel safer in the mainstream, I sort of realised, you know what, that's your journey and that's perfectly fine. It's okay. There's nothing wrong with that.
And I found a way to kind of just not to talk about it, I guess, to, you know, more to family and friends who were sceptical, but then as my research and I suppose experience with EFT training and my client base and things like that grew, what I found was that the way to explain it is to that really settled with me was [00:06:00] about the stress response and the amygdala and how the sciency bit of how it actually kind of works in the body.
Because what I was finding was the skepticism came from a place of, you know, seeing it on YouTube and reading about it on Wikipedia. Don't because it's an awful write up. It's not true at all.
Sarah: I'm doing research for this. I did kind of have a look at Wikipedia and I was like, who's written
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah,
Sarah: Yeah,
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: all in it. And so the skeptics have all basically read Wikipedia got up and poo pooed it as a pseudo science, you know, peddled by snake oil merchants and all these things. And it really isn't it's rooted in science. And so the more that I grew, the more I talked about it from a scientific perspective, the more I could see people's pennies dropping and going, Oh, well, I feel stressed.
Oh yeah, I do that. Okay. And so I stopped trying to prove and kind of like persuade and just went, okay, cool. And, and, and led by example and [00:07:00] like showed the difference in me in mood cause my anxiety literally disappeared after about two months of doing it. It just, I didn't even work specifically on it and it just disappeared.
And so I think that's it. Show don't tell, and it's explain it in a way that people's internal, like, lightbulb goes, oh, and that was, that was that really.
Sarah: seems to be this kind of barrier that goes up, isn't there, is something slightly different. And certainly my experience has been, there almost ends up being this, this gap. internal conflict of, need, I feel I need to justify, I'm a very logical person. I'm very kind of, I need to be able to justify something.
And at the same time, I know it works. I'm not totally sure how, and does it actually matter?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: because
Sarah: I
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: what it was, then really doesn't, does it, surely, but.
Sarah: As long as it's not having negative side effects, it's not having, you know, that degree of risk [00:08:00] involved, it's kind of almost. go with it. And there are studies out there, aren't there?
There's well, hundreds of studies now that have been done. So the, the evidence is there if you look for it as much as
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah,
Sarah: the skepticism is there if you look for it.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: absolutely.
Sarah: yeah,
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: websites and reliable places that do scientific gold standard studies and stuff, if people want that. But yeah, there is, there is a huge amount of. Particularly in the last 10 years, there's a lot of research being done, um, by some key figures in the industry, psychologists, psychotherapists, you know, people of high standing, very well respected, have come into this now.
And so that carries a lot of gravitas. But I, I very much say to people, look, if it feels good, then that's what counts. But I think in society, you know, we're very much trained to be in our heads, aren't we? To be problem solving, to analyze things, to be rational [00:09:00] and sensible and all of that good. And there's nothing wrong with any of that, but sometimes that can dull that connection to your sort of inner yes or no as to whether this is the right thing for you.
So don't judge yourself if you are looking at this and going, not sure that's normal. Like I was like that too.
Sarah: definitely. So are there any, um, specific memorable experiences that you have, through your journey of, of kind of trying these things out or even with the EFT
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: gosh. Yes. Lots and lots. So I think really the first one was my, what I've since coined my holy cow moment was in my first actual EFT training session. When I was training to be a master practitioner, we started practicing in a pair and I was taking this lady through a round of tapping and I don't know where it came from.
It was like, I always get what I call downloads. So it's like a, I kind of almost hear inside of my head what I need to do next, but it's not really my own voice. [00:10:00] So I probably sound like a total weirdo now, but that's how it happens. And I just, I had this thing to bring in butterflies and to help and to ask this lady to say, feeling it floating away like butterflies.
I didn't know why. And she, and I said that she repeated it and she just lit up. And her shoulders dropped and the energy just went, uh, and her face relaxed. And she just went, wow, you're good. And I, and that it was like the first time I'd ever done it. And I thought if this, if it's this easy,
Sarah: Yeah.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: I just. I couldn't explain it, but I just loved it.
And then there's so many personal ones, but probably the biggest and most recent one for me was, I'd carried around quite a lot of debt. So from university built up debt, cause I had to support myself and then I, I liked having a Next card and various other things. Anyway, it mounted up and mounted up.
And when COVID hit, I had a big house up in Northumberland, and I made the decision. I was umming and ahhing about selling it and coming home to be with family. [00:11:00] And I did some tapping and some energy work. I made the decision literally 10 seconds after that. Got my yes or my no, made the decision, signed the document for the estate agents, put it in the folder, sealed it up, ready to go.
End. I kid you not, the next morning, I had a cash offer, sold my house, cleared my debt, bang, gone. Like,
Sarah: Wow.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: It was unbelievable and that proved it to me beyond a shadow of a doubt because I was yeah, no I don't know what to do. And I I was in massive inner conflict about it And as soon as you kind of calm that stress when you're thinking about something you come back to center You get that clear yes or no, and when you're in alignment with that decision stuff just kind of goes like a little Tetris puzzle, bang, got what I wanted.
And then some actually, cause they offered me 17 and a half grand more than I thought we were going to get. So I was like, Oh, okay, cool.
Sarah: [00:12:00] Fantastic.
And are there any kind of specific challenges that you've found along the way as well?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Oh yeah. Yeah. I think honestly, there's little challenges like, Helping people feel confident with what to say. That's probably the biggest one. If I'm teaching someone, showing someone, the reason people often don't do it on their own is because they don't know what to say and they feel like it's got to be this perfectly scripted thing and it really doesn't.
So that's kind of a small bit, but I think the biggest thing with, if I'm looking at this, it's kind of business, but it's, it's very personal as well. Is, having the confidence to actually follow my own recipe with it, if you like, rather than trying to push my square peg into a round hole and try and fit into other organisations that are, you know, for the accreditation or whatever, I decided to actually just follow my feeling on how I wanted to do it.
And in so doing, I've developed a slightly different way and a different [00:13:00] style because it felt better to me because I worked very much in the body. And so it was having that confidence, I think. And, you know, that's been an issue all the way through my life about various different things and not, not finding my voice, not speaking up, not saying, actually, this is what I want to do and just going with the majority.
And then it kind of bled over into the business. And so that was the biggest challenge that I overcame. And again, I used my tools and got over it, made a decision and, um, yeah, I've never looked back.
Sarah: It's quite easy, isn't it? We can have all of these tools and almost It's not that we forget that we've got them, but often when you're working with them, you can kind of forget Yeah, they, they work on me too, and, and I can, I can use them, and actually, even as a practitioner, sometimes you have to reach out to another practitioner, you know, so, so there's that distance and they can kind of see things that you can't necessarily see. I love the fact that with your approach, you've, [00:14:00] you've got your training and your accreditation and your academy, but in addition, you have free resources as well, don't you? So there's the ability for people to, to follow things with your Daily Tap
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah.
Sarah: on a regular basis so they can kind of have that, hint of a daily boost.
How did you come up with the idea for the Daily Tap and how did that evolve?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: That's a great question. If anybody's listening, if you know Kate Spencer and the Life and Soul Academy, I was in her Life and Soul Academy as a guest expert and I was doing a bit of tapping in there and somebody mentioned something about Christmas and that was literally right at the start of starting to build it up alongside a full time job.
And so I thought, okay, if I could do like a festive frazzle tap. And so every day up till Christmas. I very meekly and very quietly went live on Facebook just with my phone on like, you know, a shelf. And, uh, and I did a little festive tap about, I don't know, whatever the subjects was, you know, my family's annoying me, [00:15:00] whatever it was different one every day to try and cater to give people a sample.
And everybody loved it so much that they begged me to carry it on. They were like, please don't stop. I need this. It's like keeping me sane. So I'm like, yeah, me too, actually. Um, so I carried it on. Literally just carried it on after I think I had Christmas and Boxing Day off and then the 27th of December I was back on Facebook going, Morning!
Doing the Daily Tap again and it just carried on like that and that's nine years or more now that I've done it for free.
Sarah: Nine years. Incredible. What a library you must have in there.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah, it's going to take me a while to get it over onto YouTube.
Sarah: I bet.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah.
Sarah: So, so there's different ways that you can access EFT You could do it through a therapist or practitioner. You could follow videos online or you could learn the technique and, you know, use your own wording. Um, If people are completely new to it, obviously I would recommend the Daily Tap, that's a fantastic way to kind of [00:16:00] introduce you to it, but, um, what would you say is the distinction between when you should search out for, a practitioner as opposed to when you could learn the technique and, know, go for it yourself?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: So you can, you can get a lot of really good results tapping on your own because, because of the way tapping works in the body. What I say is that the tapping does the heavy lifting and it helps your body to let go of, you know, tension and stress and emotions linked to things that upset you.
naturally, and you don't necessarily even have to talk about it. You can do it without language. But, but what I would say is if you are struggling and there's, you keep bumping up against the same things, um, there's patterns, there's limiting beliefs, there's things that you're holding yourself back from being, doing, or having, or whatever, or you're suffering emotionally, The problem is, is that when we lead with our conscious mind, when we're doing it on our own, our thinking mind is leading the way, and [00:17:00] unfortunately, 95 percent of what we do is on autopilot, right?
So, to keep you safe, it'll route you to Edinburgh via Lands End. Do you know what I mean? It like, it sends us on a merry dance. So, yeah. If you're doing it and you're not getting any traction, it's likely because there's something in there that doesn't feel safe to address. Um, and when you're working with a practitioner and they're leading you around, your subconscious relaxes a little bit more because you're not thinking what to say.
Does that make sense? And so that's the beautiful kind of like synergy of working with somebody. to, and also because they can join the dots when often you can't on your own, you know, not to say that you can't get great results. You absolutely can. If there's trauma there, if there's, you know, patterns, addictions, things like that, it's always a good idea to work with somebody, because they can keep you or they should be able to keep you emotionally safe as well.
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. And in [00:18:00] terms of personally, do you find that obviously EFT tends to be your go to if you have something come up or are there other techniques that you also
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Um, I mean, I it's considered a technique, but actually yoga has become a firm favorite of mine because of the way that it makes me feel when I honestly, it's so grounding and so good for the body. But if we're talking about techniques specifically for me, it's visualization. And I bring in colour as well, because if you bring in colour, it actually helps to connect the left and right hand sides of the brain.
So that helps to reconsolidate memories, which is great for trauma without even having to talk about it, right? So I like to imagine a nice mist of colour and breathe it in, and it's very soothing. I also do what I call vagal break breathing. So It's a way of breathing in for four and then out for six or eight.
So because you have a longer breath, it brings you out of like freeze mode. You know what you [00:19:00] get in sometimes, but you just like, I don't know what to do. So I do tapping on vagel break, breathing and bring colour in. Sometimes I'll have people imagine a landscape that represents how they feel. And then as they tap, they'll see the landscape change because the mind is really, really powerful.
So I harnessed that as well. It's not like. Just tapping on meridians, because we want this to be on board as well. The conscious mind, she says, pointing at her forehead, you know,
Sarah: Yeah. Yeah. Fantastic. So it can work as kind of a group of, practices that all kind of complement each other, you find that EFT perhaps that kind of brings everything together and, moves you forward and your clients forward.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: yeah, a hundred percent, particularly for meditation and mindfulness. Because if you're trying to meditate and you've got a busy mind, good luck with that. We all know the feeling, don't we? Where we're like, I really need to do this. I really need to relax. And you can't, because this thing's, You know, whizzing around.[00:20:00]
One of the things that tapping does is it slows your brain waves down. It calms you down, brings you into relaxed awareness, which is the perfect place, jumping off point to then do mindfulness or meditation. So what I do is tapping for me is step one. No matter what else I'm going to do, it's step one because it gets you into that centred, regulated place to then be able to do everything else and it have a fantastic effect.
Sarah: That's wonderful. Yeah, and I can completely relate to that. I not so much now, not so much since I've been using this technique, but I have tried meditation in the past and really struggled with it for exactly that reason. I've got so much going on. I'm trying to hold on to things, almost, you know, they say, just thank the thought and let it go, but actually I'm like, no, but I don't want to let it go because I need to remember to do that as soon as I'm finished. So that's wonderful that, that EFT can give you that. What would you say then sets this technique apart from other ones that you've tried or other practices you've [00:21:00] tried?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: So putting my sort of teacher hat on for a minute just to explain why, you tend to find that a lot of treatments, techniques, modalities come into one of two groups. Either they're talk based, cognitive based like CBT, therapy, counseling, you know, coaching, that kind of thing. It's using talking and working with conscious mind and mindset.
Or there's somatic tools like breathing, like, sound healing, like all the other stuff that work purely in the body. EFT uses both and it puts them together like the most beautiful jigsaw that fits completely perfectly. I actually call it the secret side door to healing because we're not just using top down approaches and we're not just using bottom up approaches of the body, we're plugging them in together for the most magnificent effect ever.
And that to me, it's If you can get the conscious mind on board, which is one of the hardest things to do, because we're wired to run away from pain, not towards pleasure, right? So it's almost like [00:22:00] pushing treacle up a hill. If you can get that on board, as well as soothe the sort of icky feelings and the leftover emotions in the body, you're onto a winner as far as I can see.
And that's, that's why I've pursued it. Because when you know how to do it properly, it just becomes addictive and your body goes, Thank God. Give me some more of that, please. So,
Sarah: Yeah, definitely. if you were to give some advice to someone looking into this technique, how would you suggest that they start?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: so I would say that you would benefit greatly from finding, um, some resources that can tell you how it works in the body. Because once you understand how it works in the body, you're more likely to do it anyway, because like you'll, you'll recognize the times when it's going to have an effect. And I would start simply.
So either tapping with no words, just learn the points or learn one point, like under the collarbones or side of the hand and just start there. [00:23:00] You can tap without words, you don't have to have a script, but the biggest thing that's going to make the impact for anybody is to do it every day. Possibly a couple of times a day.
If you can do it when you get up in the morning, like, I'm pointing to my long hair for anyone who's listening. Um, if you're in the shower and you're a female, usually speaking, you'll put conditioner on your hair. Maybe not, but a lot of them do. So that's a couple of minutes of dead space. So you can tap without words.
If you're making a drink, you've probably got 60 seconds for the kettle to boil or something like that. And then a couple of minutes while it brews. Five if you like me and you like builder's tea. So you've got some time to tap, right? But if you do it when you get up and before you go to bed, the differences that you will find in your sort of average stress set point on a daily basis is absolutely phenomenal because it gives you more window of tolerance, i.
e. if you're walking around an 8 out of 10 stressed most days, you've got very little wiggle room for something to make you knock you off your perch.
Sarah: [00:24:00] Trigger you and off you go. Yeah,
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Like a bottle of pop, you know, whereas when you do tapping every day, even if you don't know what to tap on, if you, even if you're not saying anything, your body still knows what to release and it will gradually bring that stress set point down, which means you've got more space before, think before you hit your roof.
And you also recover faster from stressful things. Um, not to mention that it improves your immune function by 60 percent and all these other amazing things.
Sarah: fantastic. And, and it's so quick, it's not something that you're having to build in a massive amount of time. you said, you can kind of. build it around other things that you're doing. Um, and just in those few minutes, as you say, I often find kind of even, even after the first two or three points, my body is already relaxing. I know what she wants now. You know, this is, this is my time to relax. Yeah, I can have a reset moment. And that's, um, wonderful. So is there anything else that you'd be interested [00:25:00] into going forward because obviously now you're, you're in this environment where I'm sure you're aware of lots of techniques I've not even heard of. Um, is there anything you're currently looking into or have tried out recently?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah, that's, That's a really interesting question. It's almost as if you're in my head, Sarah, because a little, a little taste or a teaser on Facebook yesterday that I was thinking about something new, which is mudras. So like finger positions in yoga couple, because each of them do a different thing and they, you know, they work with different emotions and states and whatever, and combining that with EFT.
Um, so that's an EFT specific one that I would. I would love to do, but for me personally, because I have a lot of back problems and, um, I'm all right in the day, but when I lay down at night, it feels like my back's going to snap. It's horrible. And so I do lots of things for it, like yoga and whatever, pain relief and massage and stuff and chiropractic.
[00:26:00] But I recently was reminded about. The Bowen technique, and I've heard amazing things about it. And there's somebody within about an hour of here. So that's on my list big time. And so is, uh, some kinesiology, actually some proper, like applied kinesiology, because that will tell you everything you need to know about your body.
I just need someone to do it for me. Cause again, when you do it with yourself, your conscious mind. You know, sometimes we'll tell you what you want to hear.
Sarah: Yes. Yeah. Oh, exciting. Oh, well, I will definitely be looking into some of those techniques as well, then I'll see, uh, see if I can find out some more information, but I hope that they help you your wellness journey. Have you got any big wins you'd like to share from your, journey with any of these techniques?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah. Yeah, actually. I think the very most recent thing, is about weight loss. So I've been overweight since I was seven or eight and I've battled it my entire life.
And when I say battle, I mean verge of an eating [00:27:00] disorder when I was 13 or 14, not eating very much at all. Yo yo dieting, you know, Atkins, you name it, I've done it. And I would always, do it from a place of punishment. And so, whatever anybody thinks of Slimming World, that's what I'm doing at the moment. Um, I've been there, I think it's three, four months now, and it's I'm doing it purposefully very slowly so that it's not like big losses all the time because I want it to be sustainable.
But you know what, having used Tapping around body image and self acceptance and whatever, not weight loss, but self acceptance, it's been an absolute joy. An absolute joy. I don't punish myself, I don't get gnarky if I maintain or put on, or I don't, I'm not limiting myself, I'm finding it really easy, I'm enjoying it, I never thought I'd hear the, you know, see the day when I'd hear myself saying that, to be quite honest, because it's just been such a battle for 40 years,
Sarah: Yeah.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: now, like, I can [00:28:00] honestly say, hand on heart, I can see the end in sight now.
I know it's going to come
Sarah: say that's been the combination of the two? Slimming World plus the EFT? Had you tried Slimming World before, for example, and it not, not worked?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Times and I would come to a grinding halt at about a stone off and I'd go all guns blazing and it'd be all great and then the second that I maintain or put on, I'm like, I'm not doing it anymore. And then, but this time I've just been like, yeah, that's fine. Whatever. Half a pound off. Great. Fine. It's, you know, it is what it is.
Sarah: completely, completely shifted things with using the EFT has resulted in another, another thing working well.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Yeah, but the beautiful thing is, is I actually didn't tap on losing weight. tapped on accepting myself either way. And that's the beauty of it. So sometimes you don't even have to tap on a specific thing or like something you want to get rid of. You can tap on something that feels really good and [00:29:00] empowering.
And the unwanted behaviour or situation can just fall away. It doesn't have to be painful. And that's, it's reminded me as well about my own practice of tapping that it really doesn't have to be this, Oh, you know, I need to get rid of this thing. It's not like that. It's just, yeah, I want to, I want to be loving to myself.
I haven't for a very long time. I've been horrible to myself and that's, I'm not doing it anymore. You know?
Sarah: that's a different layer, isn't it? I mean, we can all have a shopping list of things that we want to... I want to be, fitter. I want to weigh less. I want to manifest money or a house or a car or a relationship or something like that. We can all have this massive list, but it's actually what's, what's happening underneath. And it, once you tackle that, it can often have that positive effect on the rest.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: Absolutely.
Sarah: for your weight loss and for everything that you've been, uh, achieving along the way. It sounds fascinating. And [00:30:00] thank you so much for sharing all of your insights into EFT and beyond. If people wanted to contact you or find out more information about EFT or your services, what would be the best way?
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: The best way probably is to head over to my huge nine year plus vault of information on my Facebook page. Um, I all do it on other places, but that's got the longest repository. So it's, uh, facebook. com forward slash evolved energetics. And you'll find me on there those nine years plus of in the videos tab of daily taps.
And you can just have a go and you know, you can message me through there or, you know, Whatever, but I do have a free guide as well that I give out to people, which is me talking you through how to do it. And you can see the guide and the script on screen. So it's called seven steps to calm. It's my very first freebie that I ever created.
And I still love it to this day. Cause it's just that simple, you know,
Sarah: perfect for people to give it a go. I'll make sure that we put [00:31:00] relevant links in the show notes. So if anyone wants to that, then that would be great. But thank you so much, Emma. I've really enjoyed our chat today. It's been very enlightening. It's reminded me to go back and, to re look at my approach as well, building in some more daily opportunities to tap from my personal perspective. Thank you.
Emma Starling - Evolved Energetics: See ya.
Sarah:So I hope Emma's journey has sparked your curiosity about EFT. Remember wellness techniques for emotional healing don't have to be complicated. Sometimes it's about finding simple accessible tools like this one that you can weave into your day or whenever you need. You can find out more about Emma's free resources, including her daily tap videos on her Facebook page.
evolved energetics, and a link to her seven steps to [00:32:00] calm in the show notes. If you've enjoyed this episode, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend who might benefit. Until next time, I'm Sarah, and remember, there's many paths to wellness, and sometimes they start with tapping into what your body and mind needs.